FACED with the kind of slowdown they haven't seen before, US companies are going back to history to a concept used by an earlier Democrat president. The concept of zero-based budgets, popularised by US president Jimmy Carter in 1977-81, is now finding currency among companies in the worst-hit sectors of the economy such as financial services and auto, that are using it to bring down IT spends. Most firms have already cut their IT budgets to the extent possible by shelving discretionary projects and deferring other IT investments that can be postponed. But, with pressure to cut down costs still continuing, they are now turning to zero-based budgeting.
In zero-based budgeting, companies do an audit of all their IT infrastructure — software, applications, hardware, storage — and evaluate which ones they still need to continue with. For instance, a firm that has been using a certain application for the past 10 years will now evaluate whether or not it still needed.
"You go back and clean your closet but companies don't do the same thing with their IT. There isn't any one organisation that runs only the applications that are vital to it. Many times, companies have made some small acquisitions through which they have inherited some applications and systems, but they have never gone back and cleaned up. Sometimes, some applications may be being used only by 10 or fewer people. When you do zerobased budgeting everything is challenged — nothing is sacred," said Kenneth McGee, Gartner group VP and director of research, based out of the US.
A senior executive with a Mumbaibased IT services exporter said several consumer electronics firms in Japan had also made announcements on zero-based budgets in internal meetings chaired by CFOs. "They are taking a fresh look at all spends. Everything is treated as a discretionary spend in this model," he said.
"As a concept, zero-based budgeting is not new. But the intensity with which companies are looking at it now has changed. The meaning of what is discretionary spending changes in a recession," said Surjeet Singh, CFO, Patni Computer Systems. The concept of zero-based budgets was first developed in the 1960s by an engineer in Intel. The original reason was to justify spending on new projects, but it was later extended to operations, where it was found to be very effective in controlling costs.
"We are advising clients to cut IT, software and systems before people. But usually, people are the first to go because they are the easiest to cut. Recessions last only a few years, and when growth returns you need the people. It is imperative they are retained," said Mr McGee.

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