The GDP numbers for the March '09 quarter may be better than expected. But the growth is highly lopsided and hints at bumps ahead. Economic health is now unduly dependent on New Delhi's generosity even as corporates and households face difficulties
IT WAS another bullish week on the Indian bourses. On Friday, the BSE sensitive index made another high and was up by over 2.5% by the close of day. The day's rise was supported by better-than-expected show of the Indian economy during the March '09 quarter. According to the quarterly estimates of gross domestic product for 2008-09 by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO), the Indian economy expanded by a healthy 5.8% during the March '09 quarter. This was better than market expectations of a 5.24% growth.On the face of it, the optimism on Dalal Street is not that off the mark. India is now one of the world's fastest growing economies and placed on much better footing than the developed economies where economic output is shrinking. The actual numbers are even better than what most foreigners, including multilateral funding agencies such as World Bank and International Monetary Fund, expected. This is good news for foreign investors who have pumped over $4 billion in Indian equities in May itself and have largely been responsible for the current rally on Dalal Street.
But good news ends there. There is nothing in the numbers that warrant a rerating of the Indian growth story. Economic activity may be better than street estimates, but the numbers are not as robust as they seem at first glance. The quality of growth has deteriorated and the growth drivers have become lopsided, suggesting that the pace may be not be sustainable in coming quarters. And lastly, growth has been disproportionately boosted by one-time gains such as sixthpay commission awards. This has huge implications for the equity markets as it will determine the winners and losers on the stock exchanges going forward. The pattern of growth is clearly visible in the two adjoining charts, where we show the sources and composition of India's GDP from two angles in the past few quarters.
The GDP growth in the March '09 quarter was mainly driven by the services sectors, with past heroes such as construction and manufacturing taking a back seat. The services sector, including financial services, transport, hotels, communication and public services accounted for 86% of the incremental growth in total GDP in the last quarter. Even there, the public services contributed nearly a third even though their share in GDP is only 14%. Obviously, the economic growth was very lopsided. This is in complete contrast to the past, when growth was more broadbased and led by manufacturing, construction and financial services and other personal and business services.
In the March '09 quarter, public services grew by 12.5% at constant prices, nearly twice their historical trend growth. In the December '08 quarter, the corresponding figure was 22.5%. The growth was driven by large government giveaways last year in the form of sixth pay commission, subsidies on fuel, fertilisers and food, and farm loan waivers.
The government's final consumption expenditure grew by a whopping 21.5% in the last quarter. In the current year, we can safely assume a slowdown in government expenses due to the absence of one-off items and concerted government action to check rising fiscal deficit. This is most likely to drag down growth unless other engines of economic growth –private consumption and investment demand –pick up the slack.
The latter seems unlikely, given the state of the economy. Corporate earnings have been deteriorating; with most large companies either reporting flat or negative profit growth in the March '09 quarter. India's merchandise exports continue to shrink. This provides little incentive for companies to scale up capital formation, which will be necessary to recover from a slowdown in government investments. The gross fixed capital formation grew by just 6.4% in the March '09 quarter, much lower than double-digit growth recorded during the heydays of the bull run.
The situation at the individual level is even bleaker. Individuals and families are faced with a fall in salaries and other sources of income. In the last quarter, India Inc's salary bill reduced by 5% compared to 20% growth in FY08. And the decline occurred despite big salary hikes by the government-owned companies. Not surprisingly, the private final consumption expenditure grew by just 2.7% in the last quarter and its share in the country's GDP has now fallen to 51% from around 60% two years ago. As the pay commission effect will not be at play in FY10 and there's a slim chance of a revival in India Inc's salary bill, the future outlook on household income looks depressing.
The stock market is however behaving as if we are back to the past. The same set of stocks that were at the frontline of the last bull-run –financials, capital goods, metals and construction are once again leading the charge. But the recent GDP changes suggest that their chances of reclaiming past earning growth looks slim.

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