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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

‘Will we sleep on the streets now?’ :JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon

Yesterday, we brought you an interview with JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon on finance and economics. Today, we bring you a story from his life that's poignantly funny — and yet inspirational...

Vikas Singh | TNN

    JPMorgan Chase chairman Jamie Dimon's life could be straight out of a Jeffrey Archer novel—he was hired out of Harvard B-school by a billionaire who became like a father to him before they parted ways; he went from being heir-apparent at the world's largest fi
nancial services company to working at a smaller, struggling bank; a few years later, he returned from Chicago to New York in a blaze of glory and now heads America's largest and most influential bank (with assets of about $2.3 trillion). Today, he is arguably the world's most powerful banker (at least in the private sector). It's an empowering tale in an era of job losses.
    Dimon's dramatic falling out with Sandy Weill has
passed into financial folklore. The two men had worked closely together for about 15 years before they took over Citigroup. Dimon was widely seen as Weill's successor at Citi, but in 1998, Weill fired Dimon (speculation has it that Dimon passed Weill's daughter over for a promotion).
    When TOI met Dimon in Mumbai, we couldn't resist asking him about that episode. ''Sandy told me you have to resign. So, I said 'OK'. I called my wife and told her, 'I have to tell you something, it isn't a joke.' I was concerned about my three daughters, who were then 12, 10 and 8. I didn't want them to hear
about it in school, or read it in the papers. I sat them down and said, 'Girls, I want you to know I resigned...I was fired.'
    ''The youngest one said, 'Dad, will we have to sleep on the streets now?' The middle one asked, 'Can I still go to college?' And the eldest said, 'Can I have your cellphone now, because you won't be needing it?'''
'Net worth was hit, not my self-worth'
    After we'd finished laughing, Dimon turned philosophical. ''It was my net worth that was involved there, not my self-worth. I remained the same person that I was the minute before, and I was determined that my values and behaviour wouldn't change. Of course, there were times when I was depressed. I would walk into a room and people would treat me like a leper. But often, while jogging in Central Park, I'd be asked, 'Are you Jamie Dimon?' and when I said yes, they'd pat me on my back and say 'Yeah!' as if I was Robin Hood.

    ''Everyone has their ups and downs. Tell me one person you admire, not just in business, but in life, and you'll find they had their share. Nelson Mandela walked out of prison after
27 years, magnanimous to his captors. You have to get up, brush yourself and move on.''
    Dimon moved on to Bank One in Chicago, turned it around, and merged it with JPMorgan in a deal that ended with him becoming chairman and CEO of JPMorgan. Then, in October 2006, he decided to pull out of sub-prime loans even as other banks bet huge amounts on them. The result: JPMorgan was the only bank with enough cash to acquire the ailing Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual when they were on the brink of collapse. Today, JPMorgan has surged far ahead of the crisis-ridden Citigroup. So, is revenge sweet?

    ''No,'' he said promptly. ''I still have a lot of friends there and what happened was so hard on people. I could play a sport with you and want to beat the hell out of you. But if you break a leg or have a heart attack, I'll take you to hospital. I truly want Citi to get better. Citi's problems are bad for Citi, for the people there, for America, and not good for JPMorgan. Also, it's a terrible mistake to measure yourself by someone else doing badly. I want us to grow for us. Like Mandela said, 'If you spend your life on revenge, then you are beholden to the prior people.' You haven't moved on, you're still responding to them.''


HEART TALK: JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon

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