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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anil Ambani Attacks RIL And Oil Ministry At RNRL AGM

'Deora serving Mukesh's greed'

Mumbai: Anil Ambani on Tuesday launched a scathing, no-holds-barred attack on the petroleum ministry, saying its stance in the gas supply dispute between his company Reliance Natural Resources Ltd (RNRL) and elder brother Mukesh's Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) was serving the "plain and simple corporate greed'' of one "monopolistic gas producer''. While Anil did not name any individuals, the reference to petroleum minister Murli Deora was clear when he said: "It is evident that the apparently biased stance commenced in 2006, coinciding with changes in the ministry.'' Deora replaced Mani Shankar Aiyar as petroleum minister in 2006. 

    The unprecedented attack by a business tycoon on a minister came in the form of a long speech delivered at the annual general meeting of RNRL. AGMs are normally occasions for corporate honchos to boast about the company's achievements and profits, but Anil dispensed with the accounts, the directors' report and so on tersely. "With your permission, I would like to take them as read,'' he said, before tearing into RIL and the petroleum ministry. 
    The younger Ambani was careful to draw a distinction 
between the petroleum ministry and the rest of the government. Indeed, he repeatedly suggested in his speech that the ministry had acted unilaterally, not consulting the rest of the cabinet or even the empowered group of ministers.



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