FANS of the late chief minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy attacked Reliance establishments across Andhra Pradesh on Thursday evening after a local TV channel telecast a sensational story published in a Russian online bi-weekly tabloid,, which alleged that the Ambanis were "involved" in the helicopter crash that killed YSR.
There is, however, absolutely no indication that YSR's death was anything more than an accident caused by bad weather. CBI officials who are investigating into the crash have so far not been able to get hold of any evidence to suggest that the crash was due to sabotage.
Units owned by the Reliance group, such as Reliance towers, Reliance Fresh marts, communications establishments and petrol bunks were attacked by the Congressmen. One Reliance Big Cinema in Tirupati was also attacked. Reports added Reliance Fresh, Reliance Mart and other outlets were damaged in the districts of Hyderabad, Kadapa, Tirupati, Rajahmundry, Khammam, Karimnagar and Anantapur.
A Reliance spokesman confirmed that seven outlets were attacked in Hyderabad, Kadapa, Vijayawada, Eluru and other places.
Meanwhile, YSR's son and Kadapa MP YS Jaganmohan Reddy, through his own TV channel, appealed to the party workers not to resort to destruction. "We will bring pressure on the Centre to bring the truth to light. But do not resort to destructive acts," he said.
Kadapa saw several Congress workers organising protests and will remain shut on Friday. The police have been put on high alert across the state.
The Andhra Pradesh DGP held a late night press meet and called for restraint. Prohibitory orders have been issued in Hyberabad. The state road corporation buses have been cancelled in many routes.
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