Brand value has always been a rather elusive metric. To measure the strength of a brand, most marketers use combinations of financial metrics, consumer research and other qualitative measures. But these techniques require studies and can be expensive and time consuming without necessarily yielding desired results. So, is there an easy way out? Is there any readily available metrics that companies can use as a dynamic dashboard to monitor brand value? The answer is yes. Thanks to proliferation of digital social media, companies can use Facebook "Likes" to gauge their brand value, as proposed by Nicholas Hodson, Partner, Booz & Company in Strategy-+Business, December 2011. With 42 million users, India has the second highest Facebook population. Many brands today manage "organization" pages or fan groups on the world's most popular social networking site. Consequently, a company's Facebook page is a destination for brand fans and such social network statistics are vital indicators of brand engagement. However, when considered on their own, Facebook "likes" can be unreliable. Intuitively, a larger firm with a bigger customer base may draw greater number of "likes". So normalising the likes by the company's revenue provides a more valuable measure. Hence, likes per $1 million of revenues or likes per million (LPM). Admittedly, brands may run campaigns to artificially attract, or buy, "likes". While this causes some delink between real world brand value and LPM, anecdotal evidence suggests that such "purchased likes" are relatively small. To test the efficacy of this metric, we performed an analysis in the US and in India. For the US, the LPM analysis is quite fascinating—who would have thought that Subway would out-engage the auction website eBay and the consumer electronics outlet Best Buy? It also confirms that scale is no guarantee of online brand engagement. Walmart garners an impressive 10.6 million Facebook "likes". But set against the company's $400 billion+ revenues, this translates to a not-so- impressive 25 likes per million, well below the LPM of smaller retailers like Macy's and Kohl's. We asked ourselves if the LPM metric is unfairly skewed to young social-network savvy audiences, or does the model serve as a generic metric for brand engagement? A plot of LPM against other metrics of brand value, like Interbrand's annual survey of leading brands indexed to revenue, reveals a strong correlation between the two. In the Indian context, the Facebook LPM metric needs to be analysed with a more specific lens. Facebook in India is overwhelmingly dominated by the urban consumer and, therefore, LPM is only a good measure of the strength of "urban- focused" brands. Currently, this measure can be used to track discretionary consumer goods, restaurant chains, apparel and retail brands, automobiles, airlines and a few other sectors with similar appeal. With the rising uptake of Facebook, this basket will expand. Moreover, since only overall revenues are available in public domain, the preliminary statistics might be slightly biased against companies with businesses in both rural and urban India. Even with these limitations, the metric shows that Indian companies have leapfrogged global benchmarks in digital engagement. More than half of the 23 Indian brands we looked up have LPMs of 1,000 or more. By comparison, the global study revealed only 10% of the brands with a similar score. Scale is no guarantee of online brand engagement. While some consumer brands, restaurant chains and cafés have done well, Indian apparel brands have relatively low LPM, especially compared to global clothing-makers like Zara and Burberry. This indicates the need for more groundwork in consumer engagement and building loyalty. Similarly, while Reliance Communication seeks to attain a distinctive youthcentric brand status, its online engagement is lower than Vodafone and Idea. When companies use Facebook to foster an online community, launch products and embark on marketing campaigns, the growth in LPM can help them track the success of their efforts. Also, LPM can be measured dynamically—an option unavailable with conventional brand valuation metrics. Spikes in LPM set against competition can be a real-time indicator of brand strength. Abhishek Malhotra is Partner and Raghav Gupta is Principal at Booz & Company  |
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