The BSE Sensex fell 0.3% on Thursday as investors locked in gains after a three-day rally had sent the benchmark to its highest close in more than six months, with another delay in sealing a crucial bailout for Greece also dampening appetite.
Reliance Industries fell 2.9% to its lowest close this month, and extending losses to a third day, on growing worries about falling gas output from its key D6 block. Tata Motors lost 4.2% after surging more than 7% in the previous session.
Coal India slumped 5.8%— its biggest fall in more than seven months — on concerns that a government order to sign a 20-year guaranteed coal supply contract with power producers may hurt its earnings.
Brokerage CLSA downgraded it to "sell" from "outperform" and and cut its target price to . 315 from . 350, dealers said.
The main 30-share BSE index closed 0.27% lower at 18,153.9.
Reliance Industries fell 2.9% to its lowest close this month, and extending losses to a third day, on growing worries about falling gas output from its key D6 block. Tata Motors lost 4.2% after surging more than 7% in the previous session.
Coal India slumped 5.8%— its biggest fall in more than seven months — on concerns that a government order to sign a 20-year guaranteed coal supply contract with power producers may hurt its earnings.
Brokerage CLSA downgraded it to "sell" from "outperform" and and cut its target price to . 315 from . 350, dealers said.
The main 30-share BSE index closed 0.27% lower at 18,153.9.
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