On a day Sachin hit his 100th century, Pranab slammed it in, too. He's saved you Rs 4,500 crore in direct taxes, but taken away 10 times that through indirect taxes, making the Rs 41,440 crore mop-up the largest ever. Excise duty is up across the board, and almost all services—including eating out, mobile bills and AC rail travel (Mamata, take note)—will now cost more
Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee opened the part of his Budget speech on Friday that dealt with tax proposals by quoting from Shakespeare's Hamlet. "I must be cruel only to be kind," he said. His kindness came largely in the form of increased I-T exemption limits that could save individual taxpayers up to Rs 22,600 annually and cost the exchequer Rs 4,500 crore. His cruelty was in that he took away ten times what he gave by hiking service tax rates and excise and customs duties, and widening the scope of service taxes.
All told, he said he expected to get an additional Rs 45,940 crore from these changes in indirect tax rates. That left him with a net mop-up of Rs 41,440 crore, the highest any FM has ever managed. In the process, he also sent out a very strong signal that the UPA is confident of weathering the current political storm and averting a mid-term poll. If there were any doubts on that score, they should be settled by the fact that among the services on which service tax would apply are railway tickets.
Indirect taxes pinch everybody while direct tax cuts benefit only those who earn enough to pay income tax. So, the Budget on the whole places the burden disproportionately on the not-so-well-off.
In addition to the hikes in indirect taxes, which are likely to mean a higher costof living, the FM said he would rein in subsidies and followed that up by actually budgeting lower amounts for both fertiliser and petro-product subsidies in the coming year. If those numbers are to be achieved, fuel and fertiliser costs seem set to go up, adding to the inflationary pressures. And if subsidies are not cut, the fiscal and revenue deficits—projected at 5.1% and 3.4% of GDP respectively—will end up higher.
North Block argues that reducing the fiscal deficit is the most effective method of keeping inflation in check, but it's a line not very persuasive to those facing higher prices of just about all they consume. The ministry also hopes to achieve savings in subsidies by better targeting through the Aadhar card.
A major amendment in the direct tax laws that is to be applicable with retrospective effect will allow the government to tax income "accruing or arising directly or indirectly through the transfer of a capital asset situated in India". This has explicitly been done to clarify the legislative intent of the relevant sections of the I-T Act which, the Budget documents say, has become confused due to some court judgments. While no specific case is mentioned, the connection to the Supreme Court order that said the government could not tax Hutchison's sale of equity to Vodafone is obvious. It could have a bearing on several other overseas acquisitions too—and could add up to an enormous Rs 40,000 crore.
The government appears to be budgeting for another telecom windfall in the form of a Rs 58,000 crore mop-up from spectrum auction of 2G licences in the coming year.
The Budget also contained a promise of a white paper on black money and some measures to tighten the screws on undisclosed incomes. These included making it mandatory for all assets held abroad to be declared; allowing reopening of I-T assessments for up to 16 years for assets held abroad; tax deduction at source on sale of property worth over Rs 50 lakh in urban areas and over Rs 20 lakh in villages; as well as TDS on cash purchases of jewellery or bullion beyond Rs 2 lakh.
Somewhat surprisingly for a Budget that otherwise took such an aggressive stance, the government has scaled down its ambitions in terms of disinvestment, targeting a modest Rs 30,000 crore against 2011-12's Rs 40,000 crore. The fact that the government has managed to raise only about Rs 13,000 crore may have prompted a more sober target.
Conspicuously, the speech made no mention of the government's flagship Bharat Nirman programme and just a passing reference to the rural employment guarantee programme. Given that the outlay for MNREGS is down from nearly Rs 36,000 crore in 2010-11 to Rs 31,000 crore in the revised estimates for the current year and just Rs 33,000 crore in the coming year, that's not surprising.

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