Kishore Biyani went to Kumar Birla for a supply-chain alliance, not to sell Pantaloon
One way of doing this would be to ally with a rival retailer at the back end and exploit synergies in the supply chain. Biyani asked Kampani to examine whether the Aditya Birla group would be interested in such an arrangement. After all, both were in the fashion apparel business — Biyani with Pantaloon Retail and Birla with Madura Fashion & Lifestyle. Selling his fashion flagship was the last thing on Biyani's mind.
Kampani wasted little time in fixing up a meeting with Kumar Mangalam Birla, chairman of the Aditya Birla group. In the second week of January, Biyani and Birla met for the first time. That's when the latter dropped the bomb by suggesting that Biyani part with a controlling stake in the business that helped him earn pioneer status in organised retail — Biyani had set up Pantaloon Retail way back in 1997.
A horrified Biyani rejected the offer outright, says a person who was privy to the proceedings. Not only was Pantaloon the format closest to his heart — the emotional attachment was considerable — it's also the business with the best prospects: operating margins in the fashion format are robust, at around 30%, as against single digits for foods retailing. Selling Pantaloon would be akin to kissing the Future Group's ticket to a turnaround goodbye — or at least that was how Biyani would have seen it. The retail rajah till then had not considered selling a core business; but if push came to shove — and it was coming to that — Biyani had opened his mind to parting with stakes in formats like Central, Brand Factory and even the fashion arm of Big Bazaar, the hypermarket chain.
Countdown to a Deal
BIYANI APPOINTS JM Financial's Kampani to scout for partners for a back-end alliance to cut costs KAMPANI FIXES up a meeting between Biyani and Kumar Birla, in which the latter suggests a sale of a controlling stake in Pantaloon BIYANI IS horrified, not just because this is the business closest to his heart but also because of the high margins it enjoys IT TAKES over half a dozen one-to-one meetings for Birla to convince Biyani – gently and sensitively — that the deal would be a win-win one Getting the Chemistry Right was Imperative
Letting go of Pantaloon — or even a part of it — was unthinkable, say officials close to Biyani. That was the cue for Birla to make the unthinkable thinkable for Biyani. During the course of over half-adozen one-on-one meetings, Birla strengthened his equation and personal rapport with Biyani.
Before attempting to clinch the deal, Birla realised that getting the chemistry right was imperative; that both promoters belong to the close-knit Maheshwari Marwari community helped. According to officials close to the development, Birla refrained from forcing his suggestions on Biyani. If there was any hint of persuasion, it was couched in humility and tenderness. "I was totally amazed not only by his excellent understanding of retail but also how humbly he went about convincing Biyani. It was Kumar who closed the deal, not me," says Kampani. "The sensitivity and respect he gave Biyani in his meetings with him set the ball rolling," he adds.
Still, Birla's challenge was to convince a man who was in no mood to sell his flagship business to do exactly that. The only way to do that would be to reinforce that the transaction would be mutually beneficial. Whilst Birla doubtless stood to gain with an access to a solid value retailing franchise withsales of . 1,700 crore, his focus was on making it a win-win deal — and sending the message through that the 25% stake that Biyani would retain in the business would be more valuable if the two became 'partners.' Also, as Kampani points out: "The deal takes . 1,500 crore of debt off his books, which significantly lessens the strain on the group." It took two weeks of relentless discussions — all which took place at the Aditya Birla group headquarters in central Mumbai — before Biyani agreed, albeit with a heavy heart. There was no looking back from there. Biyani himself called a family meeting at his Nepean Sea home in south Mumbai to explain the virtues of the transaction. Every member of his family — wife, brothers, cousin, daughters and nephews — was present. The Aditya Birla group declined to comment on the matter as it is in a silent period until May 15 when the company will announce its results. Biyani too was reluctant to talk about the sensitive issue. Following much persuasion, he said: "With every discussion, our relationship grew even on a personal level. Kumar made me feel very comfortable. We still hold 25% equity, which will become more valuable after the deal. Life hasn't changed." The deal was clinched when Biyani and Kampani flew down to Kolkata and met Birla during the celebrations of his grandfather B K Birla's wedding anniversary.

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