The Reserve Bank of India should consider licensing new banks even without amending the Banking Regulation Act, a key policy advisor to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said. Chakravarthy Rangarajan, the influential chairman of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, also described India as an "outlier" as the combination of slowing growth and high inflation made it difficult for the Reserve Bank of India to emulate central banks of its BRIC counterparts, such as China and Brazil, by cutting rates.
"I see that there is a scope for more banks to come in as they come with new ideas… I think if old regulations are inadequate, then they must be modified, otherwise RBI can also consider using old regulations, on the basis of which it can give new licences," Rangarajan said in an interview on Saturday. RBI has called for changes in the Banking Regulation Act to enable it to supersede the boards of banks and the legislation has been cleared by Parliament's standing committee. The bill, which has long been in the works and contains a slew of changes, including raising the voting rights of individual investors to 26% in private sector banks, may be passed in the monsoon session of Parliament. Rangarajan, a leading monetary economist and governor of RBI from December 1992 to November 1997, expressed sympathy on the dilemma confronting the Indian central bank, which is being implored by industry and sections of the government to immediately cut rates to revive economic growth that is currently at a nine-year low, even as inflation refuses to recede. "We are an outlier (in not cutting rates) but we have a problem which they (other BRIC nations) do not have. Many of them have slow growth, but they also have low inflation. We have slowing of growth, not low growth, which is distinct, and a high inflation, " he added. 7% Economic Growth in FY13"We have never tolerated 9% inflation in our country; therefore, I am hoping that inflation, more particularly non-food manufacturing inflation, will show some decline. It will give the required space for monetary authorities to act," Rangarajan added.
Unlike 2008, the government does not have sufficient fiscal space to boost spending even if it is able to find extra cash by auctioning spectrum or airwaves. " In FY13, the economy should grow at close to 7%. It is a climbdown from the high growth we had. My concern is to push growth in the economy to 8 or 9% as early as possible," Rangarajan said while adding that he was not raising expectations unduly.
Rangarajan, who is widely regarded as a possible successor to Pranab Mukherjee as finance minister, said the recent slide in the price of crude oil provided a window of opportunity to the government to implement a modest increase in diesel prices to keep subsidies under check. The government has budgeted Rs 43,000 crore for petroleum subsidies in FY13. "Some modest increase in price becomes necessary. So these are decisions which need to be taken at the appropriate time," he said.
The PMEAC chairman said it would be difficult to introduce dual pricing for diesel— for instance, by charging owners of sports utility vehicle (SUV) more than farmers; but said this could be done in case of cooking gas or LPG. A plan to restrict subsidy on LPG to the first few cylinders, possibly the first four, has often been touted and is part of a package of reforms that have long been in the works.
Rangarajan also pitched for a relook at sectoral restrictions imposed by the government as well as aggressive measures against tax avoidance, which is believed to have deterred investors. " If investment sentiment has been weakened because of the actions of the government, then we will look at them," he said. That may well include changes to the controversial anti-tax avoidance rules after obtaining feedback.

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