Of late, Reliance ADA chief Anil Ambani has been strengthening ties with Chinese banks and other firms for his group's businesses spanning power, telecom and real estate. His elder brother and Reliance Industries chief Mukesh, however, has kept the Chinese at an arm's length. Whether it's due to the bad experience with Chinese companies when RIL took on the task to lay the East-West pipeline, or geopolitical risks, the senior Ambani has not selected a single Chinese vendor for his $10-billion broadband foray. Instead, he has joined hands with global vendors like Samsung, Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, IBM, HP and Ericsson. This, despite Mukesh Ambani's visit to Huawei Technologies' facilities in China in 2011 to find a superior technology to LTE, a cutting-edge mobile communication platform.
Take cover against disasters
You can't stop calamities but you can minimize their impact on your finances
It has taken a devastating earth quake to shake homeowners in In dia out of...
9 years ago
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