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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Montek’s PM’s choice, but family to decide

Pranab Also In The Reckoning For FM's Job

WATCH this space on May 23. Just five days from here and now, on Friday, May 22, the rejuvenated UPA, high on electoral elixir, is likely to put in place the new Cabinet of ministers. That could be the swiftest record for ministerial appointments in New Delhi in the recent past, thanks to the treasures garnered by the Congress in Election 2009.
    In keeping with the urgency, the Congress' core leadership foreshortened the bubbly business when it met here on Sunday, and got down to the bare bones of shortlisting key eligibles for the top posts in the new dispensation such as that of the finance minister. The one certainty so far seems to be that P Chidambaram could stay on in the home ministry. The party's senior
most man and a trusted aide of former PM Indira Gandhi, the diminutive but power-and-experience-packed Pranab Mukherjee, who was the first and only choice when PC was removed from the portfolio, is believed to top the list of probables. The logic being that continuity was of seminal importance in view of key decisions. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's personal choice, however, is Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia. What appears to be driving the debate on the subject of whether importance should be given to a technocrat or a politician for the portfolio is the inclusion of at least two other serious contenders in the list: one, leading economist and ex-governor of RBI and Rajya Sabha member C Rangarajan, who served as chairman of the PM's Economic Advisory Council, and two, commerce minister Kamal Nath, who has also been angling for a weightier portfolio than his current one. With Arjun Singh marginalised, and Digvijay Singh roped in for a key role in central party politics, Mr Nath's claims, a section of the leadership feels, cannot be brushed aside summarily, after the electoral fireworks put up by the Congress in MP. The fact that Mr Nath rates highly with both 7, Race Course Road, and 10, Janpath, appears to have strengthened his claims further.
    The argument in favour of a technocrat taking charge at the finance ministry, though, has sought to gather strength by pointing out that external affairs portfolio needs a seasoned politician with a diplomatic bent of mind on two counts.
Sibal tipped for commerce
ONE, homeland security, in the wake of Mumbai 26/11, which paid rich dividends in the elections. Two, it was a direct spin-off from regional security churning among our closest neighbours. Also, especially in the wake of pro-active US concerns under the Obama administration, the MEA needed a highly-experienced minister like Pranabda who is well-versed with the issues.
    Should Mr Nath manage to tip the scales in his favour and clinch the finance ministry, minister of Science and Technology Kapil Sibal, who managed to steamroll opposition for the second time in Chandni Chowk, is among those tipped for highly deserving fullfledged berth in Commerce.
    Another key ministry that is expected to be quite high profile after the marginalisation of senior leader Arjun Singh is HRD. The consensus within core leadership is that the top job here should go to a "for
ward-looking" minister. That, especially since Real Reforms are expected to assume the most importance in social sectors such as education, so crucial to youth voters who are believed to have given the big thumbs up to the Congress. Skill development is likely to get much importance in the current regime. In the event, a younger or / and more youthfully-inclined aspirant is expected to get the job.
    Over the next five days, the Congress is expected to work out that highly-sensitive balance of representation within the Union Cabinet as well as the larger council fo ministers between youth and experience, caste, region and communities.
    While more demanding allies such as Sharad Pawar's NCP and RJD supremo Lalu Yadav have now been checkmated, pre-poll and traditional allies such as the DMK are understood to have demanded and could well wrest other key ministries such as telecom and roads. One certainty appears to be the inclusion of party chief M Karunanidhi's son. The Trinamool Congress is another pre-poll ally that has earned the legitimate claim to crucial berths and could once again demand and get Railways. What could aid the Congress in keeping to its tight timetable for Cabinet formation is the obscenely mammoth tally it has raked in the polls.
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